Stralis are seeking expressions of interest from the Bonanza community, for upgrades of aircraft worldwide using our proprietary hydrogen-electric propulsion system (HEPS).
All submission data is confidential and expressions of interest are non-binding. See privacy policy. You'll receive our Bonanza Retrofit Information Sheet via email upon completion of this form.
Stralis Aircraft Pty Ltd are seeking expressions of interest in their proprietary hydrogen-electric propulsion system designed and being tested for use in Bonanza aircraft.
The expressions of interest (EOI) are confidential and non-binding, Stralis wish to determine interest in the product and understand needs and requirements from the market and assess requirements for supply. Stralis are also looking to identify customers who would like to be early adopters and be a part of the technology development and testing. Those who respond to the EOI will receive further details on the product and technology.
All information provided by you and/or on the behalf of your organisation will be kept strictly confidential. Data will be anonymised and rolled-up into a market summary, for use internally and discussion with potential collaborators and investors. If further information is required about the use of confidential data or this EOI, please reach out to us via
The Stralis Bonanza hydrogen-electric retrofit solution for emission free, lower operating costs, quieter, and improved payload-range.
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Follow the journey of our test aircraft, ahead of our first product launch.